Julie Fei Fan Balzer Shares What She Loves Most About ScanNCut2
Opinion by Paid Consultant
I’m super duper excited about the NEW ScanNCut2. Watch the video to get a quick overview of all the new features:
My five favorite new features are:
1. The larger screen! Yes! It’s 30% larger than the original. 2. The ability to transfer files wirelessly from my ScanNCut to ScanNCutCanvas makes every project a breeze. And not only that, but ScanNCutCanvas is now tablet-friendly. That means I can wirelessly send files between my tablet and my ScanNCut! 3. ScanNCut2 reads .svg files! Hooray and hurrah! No more need to transform .svg files to .fcm files! 4. RGB Color Recognition makes the already awesome scanning features even better. I get more accurate and detailed scans and that makes me a happy crafter! 5. The addition of so many new built-in designs makes it quick and easy to create a project with a push of the touch screen!You can watch lots of videos about all of the new features on the ScanNCut YouTube Channel.
I know that you’re going to love ScanNCut2 as much as I do. It’s everything that you loved about the original ScanNCut plus all the extra features you’ve been asking for!

Talk to you next week!