Do All Four Serger Threads Need to Match?

In a four thread serger stitch the needle and the lower looper threads should match the right side of your fashion fabric. You can use blending threads in every other location since the remaining threads only show on the wrong side.

Cellebrating National Serger Month

We've got tips, techniques, projects and embellishments. Take a look! Looking for a project to learn how to decorate fabric with your serger? Pintucks anyone? Check out the VIDEO: Pintucking Pt. 1 Embellishing Fabric with a Sergereatured-image-post-015-pintucking-pt1
Looking for a new Serger technique? Learn How to Make a Lettuce Edge in this Video TutorialLettuceEdgePhoto
Is Upcycling your thing? See how to turn a Simple Tee into a Stylish Dress in our Bi-Monthly Upcycle post. Upcycle Tee 81
Stay tuned all month for more Serger learning fun!
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