One Pattern, Many Pant Styles on It’s Sew Easy TV

Create a Variety of Pant Styles from one Pattern on It’s Sew Easy (Episode 1108-1)
Good fit compliments any style. Fitting expert Judy Kessinger creates a variety of comfortable fitting pant styles using one pattern on It’s Sew Easy. She speeds up the cutting by using a rotary cutterto cut out her pattern pieces while sewing all on a Brother Innov-is DreamCreator™ VQ2400 Sewing Machine
. You'll learn Judy's techniques on making comfortable fitting pants on this chapter from It’s Sew Easy TV
Innov-is DreamCreator™ VQ2400 Sewing MachineSupplies:
FREE Downloadable PDF Instructions From It's Sew Easy TV for episode 1108-1Watch Video
[youtube id="5Z_BD9c6CWk"] We'd love to see what you make with Judy's techniques! Be sure to share your photos with us on social media by tagging us at @BrotherSews and #StitchingSewcial on Facebookand Twitter
and stop by again for another chapter from It's Sew Easy
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The Truecut rotary cutter is a product of Grace Company, and Brother International Corporation makes no representations or warranties regarding such products.