Brother Persona PRS100 Embroidery Machine is a single needle embroidery machine with a free arm that makes it easy to embroider caps, sleeves, and bags. The embroidery machine comes all ready to go with a few things to set up. I have put together 2 videos to show you how to unpack, set up, and thread the machine. In Part 1, you will see how easy it is to unpack the Persona. As you will see the machine comes in a pretty large box. You will need a pair of scissors to cut the straps and packaging, but make sure they are not your fabric scissors!

After cutting the straps and opening the box, you will find the 8” X 8” and 4” X 4” hoops, embroidery frame holder, operation manual, quick reference guide, and an accessory case filled with all the items needed to get started embroidering including prewound bobbins, spool nets, scissors, tweezers, and much, much more.

To open the box, you will find white clips at the base of the box. Simply squeeze the clip and it pulls right out. After removing all the clips, the outside of the box will lift away from the contents.

Remove the packaging foam and you will find another package with four compact frame sizes and another embroidery frame, so don’t accidentally throw that out 😊 There is still quite a bit of tape and cardboard to remove, but before I remove all of that I am going to get a friend to help lift the machine onto a sturdy desk.

[youtube id="QC2cDnLgCE0"]
In the next video I will show removing the final packaging tape, setting up the machine, and threading. My sister just had twin girls, I can hardly wait to get started monogramming their tiny outfits with the new smaller frames!