Oops! This project is still in the works and will be updated shortly. In the meantime, check out some of our other great projects.

My family has an annual summer game competition, and cornhole is one of our favorite events at the games! (my husband and I usually are pretty good at it as well.) I remember several years ago when I made my first set of bags I didn’t really measure the size, or the weight and my brothers were SO upset they weren’t all exactly the same. I’ve made many since then and now can make the official size and weight without much trouble, and I’ll share the tutorial with you today.
Note: To help prevent you from making terrible corn bag mistakes like I did my first time, here is an easy sewing tutorial to make a set. PLUS, these have cool embroidery on them…
You will need:
  • ½ yard of thick non-stretch fabric cut into 7” x 7” squares
  • Embroidery machine OR two different color fabrics
  • 10 lbs. of whole corn (not cracked corn - I got mine at a local feed store for about $5)
Note: You need 2 squares of fabric for each bag, and I made 8, so I cut 16 – 7” x 7” squares.
Cornhole Bean Bags
  • If you are going to embroider them to show the different teams, you will want to create a design. I used a simple border with our last name initial T in the middle. I decided to do the same design, different colors on the bags. Embroider your design, 4 per team for a total of 8 bags.
Cornhole Bean Bags Cornhole Bean Bags
  • Take 1 square with embroidery and one plain square. Put them right sides together and sew around 3 sides with a ½” seam allowance.
cornhole bean bags cornhole bean bags
  • Turn right side out and poke out the corners.
cornhole bean bags
  • Fill with the corn. If you have a food scale, you want the finished bags to be exactly 16 oz. Make sure to weigh with the corn in the bag, so you weigh the fabric as well. If you don’t have a scale, 2.5 cups of corn is very, very close. Be precise with your cup measures.
cornhole bean bags
  • Fold the ½” seam allowance in on the open side and pin or clip.
cornhole bean bags
  • Sew closed with coordinating thread and the triple stitch on your sewing machine.
cornhole bean bags cornhole bean bags You did it!! Not get outside and enjoy a super fun game of cornhole toss!!