Quilted Block using the Entrepreneur Pro PR1000e
You can create Quilted Blocks on the Entrepreneur Pro PR1000e
that look beautiful on both the front and back. The secret is to change bobbins each time the top thread color changes. In this video, I will show you how easy it is to change a single needle design to a multi-needle design by adding stops for bobbin changes. I use the Bobbin Winder for the PR1000e
to prepare the number of bobbins I need to match top thread colors. Once the design has the manual stops added, the PR1000e
will stop at each thread color change so you can load the corresponding bobbin. This technique results in a beautiful Quilted Block both front and back. Assemble the blocks via joining strips to create your own fully completed quilt!
What needs to be modified?
Changes outlined below are needed prior to stitching out on a multi-needle machine. The Video shows how to make these modifications on the PR1000e using my “Petunia Quilted Block” as an example.- Wind Bobbins to match top thread using the Optional Bobbin Winder for PR1000e.
- Add the basting stitch to the beginning of the Stitch Order and make it the same color thread as the first color of the Quilted Petunia Design.
- A manual stop will be inserted to stop the machine so you can place the backing fabric on the back side of the hoop on top of the embroidery stabilizer.
- Additional manual stops at each thread color change so you can change out the bobbin thread to match the top thread.