Quick Tip – Sewing with Tiny Fonts

Brother Sews Ambassador

Tiny fonts are fun to sew! Built-in to many Brother sewing machine models and available in Brother software as well, these petite fonts are perfect for stitching sentiments in small spaces. Think about stitching signatures and important details on various projects, quilt labels, hidden messages in personalized gifts, name tags for family gear, dates on keepsake items, gift cards and package decorations, pattern names and numbers, sizes in garments, the list goes on! These tiny but highly readable fonts allow you to customize so many of your custom creations!   Take a look at the photo you see at the top of the page. It shows popular small style fonts along with the smallest size in a popular standard sized font. Check your machine menu to see if you have some or all of these included in your font menu. They may or may not be the same number, but you should be able to match up the style. Of course, the font menu includes numbers and punctuation marks too! Small fonts are located in the last section of your font choices. The sample menu in Figure #1 represents the same fonts in the top photo, stitched in the same exact order. Fonts featured in this example are built-in to the Brother PR 670. [caption id="attachment_25586" align="aligncenter" width="676"]Font Options Figure #1[/caption] Note that the tiny fonts are available in just one size. The sizing key on the machine allows for making these slightly larger but not smaller. Font style 10, stitched last in the line-up of my font sample stitchery, is shown at the smallest size, .56-inches high. I stitched this standard font as a comparison to the tiny fonts. When selecting small size for standard fonts you can edit letters by going larger but not smaller. See Figure #2. [caption id="attachment_25587" align="aligncenter" width="658"]Letter Sizing Figure #2[/caption] Tiny fonts sew best on fabric that is very flat and has no texture for the font to get lost in. You’ll notice that there is a sharp contrast with my black letters stitched on white cotton fabric. I prefer using Brother black bobbin thread
when I stitch small black lettering. This keeps the normally white bobbin thread from peeking through to the topside.   I encourage you to explore your options for small fonts whether built-in to your machine, included with Brother BES4 Software
, PE Design Plus2
or Brother PE Design software
. Tiny fonts make a big impact and are a fun way to customize so many special embroidery projects! CLICK HERE FOR PDF!