Brother Mobile Cloud Apps
Brother Cloud Apps are a free suite of innovative, cloud-based applications that you access directly from select Brother devices. You’ll be amazed by how much you can do right from your machine, without using a computer. The Brother Apps suite is expandable, and Brother is developing new apps that will become available for download as they are completed. [1]
Brother Creative Center Templates
Select and print from a variety of commonly-used business documents, as well as cards and seasonal activities/decorations, that you can print directly from your Internet-connected Brother device. Seasonal templates are updated regularly.

Scan to Office
The Brother Scan to Office App uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to convert a paper document into a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file with editable text. The app also saves the images as individual JPEGs, which can be moved within or deleted from the new document. [1]

Easy Scan to Email
Take a document you’ve just scanned and send an email from a pre-populated address book. Create a custom address book with up to 10 addresses and select a recipient with the push of a button. [1]

Fax Forward to Cloud or Email
The Fax Forward to Cloud feature will automatically forward incoming faxes to a defined cloud service such as Google DriveTM, OneDrive, OneNote, Evernote® and more. Fax Forward to E-mail will automatically forward an incoming fax to a set E-mail address. You can also combine the features to have the machine send you an E-mail notification that a Fax was forwarded to a cloud service. (Scan to Cloud requires an account with the defined cloud service). [1]

Scan to Mobile
Scan to Mobile allows you to retrieve a scanned document on your mobile device without being connected to the network the machine is on. After the document is scanned a QR code will be on the display of the machine. Using a QR code application on your mobile device you can scan the code for the link where the document can be retrieved. (Requires a QR code app. on the mobile device). [1]
- Internet connection required. Services and functions may vary depending on the model device.
- All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.EVERNOTE, the Evernote Elephant logo and REMEMBER EVERYTHING are trademarks of Evernote Corporation and used under a license. Google Drive is a trademark of Google LLC.