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Paint both sides of the brown bag using the black acrylic paint. Let the bag dry completely.
Using the adhesive back foam and the template, cut out two white fangs, two small pink circles for cheeks, two medium black triangles for ears and two black wings.
Fold the top 1/3 of the bag over and attach foam parts to create the face.
Attach the googly eyes (if they are not adhesive backed use glue).
Add a personalized touch by using the P-touch Embellish. Add repeating black cat and moon/stars symbols and select 10 inches to print on black on white ribbon. Tie in a bow and attach to the top of the bag with glue.
Next, switch the ribbon cartridge to the tape cartridge. Select your favorite frame, type out the child’s name in your favorite font and print. Remove the tape backing and stick on the bag. Fill the treat bag with your kiddos favorite treats and seal shut.
Paint both sides of the brown bag using the green acrylic paint. Let the bag dry completely.
Using the adhesive back foam and the template, cut out the hair, mouth and bolts.
Fold the top 1/3 of the bag over and attach the foam parts to create the face. Attach the googly eyes (if they are not adhesive backed use glue).
Add a personalized touch by using the P-touch Embellish. Type out “Happy Halloween! Boo”. Select your favorite font and print on gold on red ribbon.
Attach by gluing the end of the ribbon on the inside of the flap. By leaving the ribbon loose, it can be used as a handle.
Next, switch the cartridge to the red on white tape. Select your favorite frame, type your kiddos name and print. Remove the tape backing and stick on the bag. Fill the treat bag with your kiddos favorite treats and seal shut.
Ready to be loud and proud with this DIY party horn? Stand out and personalize any occasion with the P-touch Embellish.
When it's time to send out the invitations, set the tone for an extravagant weekend with a classy DIY invitation. This decorative invitation can be made using some basic crafting supplies and the Brother P-touch Embellish ribbon and tape printer.
Dream Catchers are the perfect addition to any room and will hopefully bring sweet dreams! Add a personalized touch to your dream catcher with a few easy steps using the P-touch Embellish.